The RRP (Recommended Retail Price) of a product is the price at which the manufacturer or wholesaler recommends that the retailer sells the product and is not necessarily the price at which it has been offered for sale in the market.

Free Australia-wide shipping over $100

Australian delivery

  • $9.90 Flat rate delivery or free shipping on orders over $100.
  • We aim to despatch within 1-2 business days.
  • Delivery via Australia Post Standard shipping
  • To expedite delivery, we may sometimes ship the items in your order separately.

International delivery

  • This item cannot be delivered to a non-Australian delivery address.

Sale periods

Due to increased demand, please note that slight delays in shipping may occur on your order. We appreciate your understanding and patience during these busy times.


Starting September 1, 2024, new regulations in Queensland will impact the sale of knives and other controlled items to enhance community safety and prevent knife-related crimes, especially among minors.

Proof of age will be required for purchasing knives or controlled items, and they cannot be sold to anyone under 18. Knives made of plastic or with rounded ends are not affected. We may ask you to confirm proof of age before finalising your order.

These laws apply to all sellers, including retailers and individuals selling online or at markets. We are committed to complying and ensuring a safe shopping experience. If you have questions, please contact our customer service.


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Smeg 50's Retro Style CGF01 Coffee Grinder White

Smeg 50's Retro Style CGF01 Coffee Grinder White

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Please call the store to check if the item is low in stock