Kitchen Warehouse is Australia's #1 Kitchenware Supplier


Explore a wide selection of items at prices that are at least half the recommended retail price (RRP) or better.

Mason Cash Cane Mixing Bowl 24cm - 2L Image 1
Mason Cash Cane Mixing Bowl 24cm - 2L Image 2
Stanley Rogers Baguette Cutlery Set 16pc Image 1
Stanley Rogers Baguette Cutlery Set 16pc Image 2
5 (2)
5 (10)
St. Clare Non Slip Cone Grater 30cm Image 1
St. Clare Non Slip Cone Grater 30cm Image 1
Progressive Grate Slice and Store Set Image 1
Progressive Grate Slice and Store Set Image 2
Scanpan Glass Lid with Silver Rim 24cm Image 1
Scanpan Glass Lid with Silver Rim 24cm Image 2


The RRP (Recommended Retail Price) of a product is the price at which the manufacturer or wholesaler recommends that the retailer sells the product and is not necessarily the price at which it has been offered for sale in the market.

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